Dog Bite Lawyer in Reisterstown | Zirkin & Schmerling Law

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Dog Bite Lawyer in Reisterstown

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A dog bite is a scary and dangerous injury. Dog bite victims often have serious injuries that require medical treatment, along with psychological and emotional damage. Maryland dog bite laws state that the dog owner is usually responsible for the damages from a dog attack.

However, arguing that in court is easier said than done. A Maryland dog bite lawyer can help you get a dog bite settlement to cover your damages. At Zirkin & Schmerling, we provide Baltimore County residents with Maryland dog bite lawyers who know about Maryland’s dog bite laws and can help you seek compensation after animal attacks from dogs.

Operating in Reisterstown, our law offices connect you to an experienced attorney with a strong background in personal injury cases and dog bite claims. Our dog bite attorneys have a history of helping our clients get high dog bite settlement amounts to cover all injuries caused by a dog attack. 

Reach out to us for a free consultation on your personal injury case for a dog bite injury today. Your well-being is our top priority. We are here to provide comprehensive legal support to help you navigate through these challenging times. Call us at 410-753-4611.

What to Expect During a Dog Bite Lawsuit

dog breeds

Dog bites are caused when a dog attacks another dog or a person. While a dog like a pit bull might be the stereotype of an aggressive dog breed, the truth is that any dog is capable of biting. Understanding dog behavior fully is impossible, and even dogs that have never bitten before might cause severe injuries if pushed or threatened.

If you, a loved one, or a pet have suffered injuries from dog bites, then you have a right to bring a dog bite claim to court and attempt to seek compensation for your damages.

In Maryland, you can pursue a claim for negligence or strict liability. 

Negligence requires showing that the dog owner did not take reasonable measures to prevent the dog from causing harm. This can involve failing to properly restrain the dog, not training the dog, or disregarding signs that the dog could be dangerous. Under this principle, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the owner’s failure to exercise reasonable care directly led to the injury.

Strict liability, in contrast, does not necessitate proving the owner’s negligence. Instead, it centers on whether the owner was aware or should have been aware of the dog’s dangerous tendencies. In Maryland, strict liability can be invoked if it can be demonstrated that the owner knew about the dog’s potential to cause harm, irrespective of any negligent behavior. Additionally, strict liability can apply if the dog was running at large, meaning it was off-leash.

Baltimore County Leash Laws

Maryland law states that a dog’s owner is responsible for keeping their dog on a leash at all times when they are off the owner’s property. If the dog bite injury takes place outside of that property line, then the dog owners are held liable for their dog’s behavior, including any actions that cause serious injuries to others.

Premises Liability Claims

A dog’s owner may try and claim that the victim of a dog bite injury was given a warning in advance of the dog’s aggressive behavior. Some dog owners, if they have a breed like a pit bull, will put signs on their property that indicate the animal is dangerous. The classic “Beware of Dog” sign is an example of this.

In this case, it’s especially helpful to have the support of a Maryland dog bite injury lawyer who can help you navigate the case and plead your side of things. Experienced Maryland dog bite attorneys will know about Maryland law concerning premises liability claims to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Exceptions to Dog Bite Liability

If the victim was trespassing on the dog owner’s property, was attempting to commit a crime against the owner, or was provoking the dog into exhibiting aggressive behavior, then the physical injuries caused aren’t held against the dog owner.

Everyone is meant to exercise reasonable care regarding their personal safety around dogs. That means paying attention to body language signals from the dog, reading warning signs, and avoiding trespass on unknown properties.

Dog Bites and Insurance Coverage

Your insurance company may help cover the medical expenses that come as a result of a dog attack if the dog owner is not found liable or the dog’s owner cannot be located. In these cases, you may have some support for your damages.

dog bite reisterstown

If the attack took place on a homeowner’s property, then they, as the dog owner, may file a claim with their homeowner’s insurance company to cover your medical expenses and other damages.

However, even in this case, it’s still best to reach out to a dog bite attorney. Personal injury lawyers and dog bite lawyers can help you make sure that all of your expenses are covered, including things like future medical expenses and non-economic damages like peace of mind.

What to Do After a Dog Bite

If you are attacked by a dog, there are a few important steps to follow:

local law enforcement
  1. Get to safety: If the dog is unsecured, it could mean that you are at risk of further attacks if you don’t go to a safe area away from the dog. The owner of the dog might be nearby, and come to control the animal, but don’t assume that is the case
  2. Call the police or animal control: Contact local law enforcement or animal control to come and assess the situation and take a report. In certain cases, the owner of the dog might be liable for criminal charges as well as a civil suit. In either case, having a report can help your dog attack lawyer when it comes time to seek compensation.
  3. Seek medical treatment: A dog bite can easily turn into a more serious injury if not properly treated. Always seek medical intervention after a dog bite. You can call an ambulance to the scene or go to an emergency room or urgent care on your own. Just be sure to keep all the related bills, itemized and with dates.
  4. Gather witness statements: A witness may be the difference between receiving full compensation or falling short of your settlement goals. Gather the information of witnesses so you can call on them if necessary to provide testimony in your case.
  5. Contact a dog bite attorney: Even if the owner of the dog claims that they will pay for all your damages or their insurance company offers you a quick settlement, it’s always a good idea to work with a Maryland dog bite attorney. They can help you get the highest possible settlement from an insurance company and help you make sure all your damages are accounted for, even ones you may not have initially considered.

Understanding Dog Bite Statistics and Trends in Maryland

As a Maryland resident, it’s important to know the statistics surrounding dog bites. These facts can help you understand your risks and your rights after a dog bite incident.

Fact 1: Dog Bite Attacks are Common

Dog bite incidents aren’t rare occurrences. Dog bite injuries are incredibly common in Maryland, with thousands of reports every year.

Fact 2: Most Dog Attack Victims are Children

dog bite victims

The most common victims of dog attacks are children between the ages of five and nine. Children might accidentally irritate a dog or innocently approach a dog to pet it. Elderly people are also at a higher risk of dog bite injuries.

Fact 3: Dog Bites Can Be Deadly

While many dog bite incidents are relatively minor, they can be incredibly serious. A dog attack can lead to severe injuries or even the death of children, adults, and animals.

Fact 4: All Breeds are Capable of a Dog Bite

There are no breeds of dogs that won’t bite. Every dog is capable of a bite and can cause serious damage to you, your loved ones, and your pets.

Fact 5: Most Dog Bites Occur in Cities

Highly populated areas like cities and busy towns are more likely to have high reports of dog bite incidents. The larger population of people and dogs means that these events are more common.

Fact 6: You Should Always Seek Medical Treatment after a Dog Bite Injury

dog bite

Seeking treatment in dog bite cases isn’t just about gathering expenses for your dog bite settlement.

Dogs’ mouths are often dirty and contain bacteria that can lead to infections and other injuries.

A dog bite lawyer can help you gather the necessary records for your case but always report to an emergency room or urgent care office after a dog attack.

Fact 7: Dog Bites Can Be Prevented

A dog bite can be avoided if people and dog owners take proper precautions.

A dog bite injury is common, but proper education on controlling a dog, paying attention to the behavior of a dog, and training a dog can all reduce the severity and impact of bites.

The Role of Witness Testimonies in Dog Bite Cases

If a dog bite case goes to court, there may be a need to bring in witnesses who can help your dog bite injury lawyer support your claims.

A dog bite lawsuit may be settled with insurance companies outside of court, but that isn’t always the case. Dog owners are, naturally, protective of their animals. They want to make sure their animals aren’t labeled as dangerous. They may also want to avoid paying a dog bite settlement.

Your dog bite attorney will be able to help you establish what avenue to take in your dog bite claim. They will also give you advice on what witnesses are needed in your personal injury claim to ensure your medical bills and other costs, like lost wages, are covered.

Eyewitness Testimony

Dog bite claims can turn into big “he said, she said” arguments. The dog’s owner may not tell the whole truth or attempt to obfuscate the truth of the attack.

In these cases, having eyewitnesses can help you provide more context to your side of the story and give your case more legitimacy to the judge. After a dog attack, try to gather information from anyone who may have seen or heard the incident. That could mean gathering phone numbers, witness statements, or other pieces of testimony.

Expert Witness Testimony

Some dog bite cases might also require additional testimony from an expert witness. An expert witness is a person with special knowledge of specific areas relevant to the case at hand. Even though they didn’t witness the dog attacks firsthand, they can give insightful information that helps a court decide the dog bite case.

An expert witness might include medical professionals who can speak to the extent of the damages and verify medical records, or animal control officers who can speak on previous experience with the dog or similar types of dog attacks.

Emotional and Psychological Impact of Dog Bites

dog bite injuries

Being attacked by a dog is terrifying, no matter how old you are. A dog attack is painful and leaves mental and physical scars on victims.

A dog attack victim will remember the attack for the rest of their life and can develop phobias of dogs or animals as a result.

Dog bites are extremely dangerous and have serious impacts on victims. They can lead to long-term injuries, like permanent scarring, loss of hearing or sight, and even death.

While a dog bite lawyer can help you create a comprehensive list of your damages, it’s also helpful to have an idea of what the impacts of a dog bite are before speaking to a dog attack lawyer.

Physical Injuries

The most obvious sign of a dog bite is the physical injury it causes. These injuries are painful and can last long after the attack has ended.

dog attack injuries

Some of the most common types of injuries that are received during a dog bite incident include:

Additional Costs

Not only do dog bites cause physical injury to victims, but they also lead to additional costs as you attempt to deal with the aftermath of the attack.

Some of the additional costs you can incur include:

  • Medical bills: Ongoing medical treatment to heal and care for wounds in a dog bite incident are often expensive, and can build over months if surgical intervention or complications arise, leading to further damages and expenses.
  • Lost wages: Going to appointments, meeting with your attorney, and making court appearances can all cut into your work time, causing you to lose wages and income. Your dog bite lawyer can help you calculate these costs to add to your dog bite settlement.
  • Property damage: In addition to the costs of your medical bills and lost wages, there might be expenses related to property damage. In a dog bite incident, property like your personal belongings, vehicle, clothing, or even your pets and animals can be damaged.

Non-Economic Damages

The final category of damages is non-economic damages. These damages include compensation for the experience as a whole that can’t be tied to a specific bill or dollar amount.

Examples of non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering: The emotional distress of being attacked by a dog and going through the painful injuries that ensure it is deserving of compensation. You can add pain and suffering damages to your lawsuit and receive a settlement to account for these damages.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A dog bite incident can lead to PTSD, where the victim is afflicted by traumatic memories and flashbacks of the attack. This can require intense therapy to learn to live with, which adds additional damages and complications to a lawsuit.
  • Self-esteem damages: A dog bite can lead to permanent scarring and disfigurement, sometimes in very visible areas like the face or hands. This can lead to self-esteem damage, where the victim is ashamed of their appearance or does not want to be seen by others. These non monetary damages deserve to be included in the final compensation of a lawsuit.
  • Phobias of dogs or the outdoors: Another non visible damage comes in the form of developing phobias. A victim, particularly if they are young, may develop severe phobias of dogs or the outdoors that can affect them for the rest of their lives. These damages are particularly difficult to overcome and move past.
  • Anxiety and depression: A dog bite attack can lead to heightened anxiety or depression. These serious emotional damages can have impacts on physical health, along with ongoing emotional and mental injuries. These afflictions are also deserving of compensation during your settlement agreement.
dog bite laws maryland

Contact Maryland Dog Bite Lawyers | Zirkin & Schmerling

At the law office of Zirkin & Schmerling, we understand the impact that a dog bite can have on victims. That’s why we are proud to be Maryland dog bite lawyers with years of professional experience in helping our clients receive fair compensation for the impacts of dog bites.

Call us at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation or contact us online to learn more about our services in Reisterstown and how we can help represent you in a dog bite settlement case, so you get the compensation you deserve.