Dog Bite Lawyer in Randallstown, MD | Zirkin & Schmerling Law

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Dog Bite Lawyer in Randallstown, MD

dog bite lawyer in randallstown

Finding the right Randallstown lawyer is crucial if a dog bite has injured you or a loved one. Zirkin & Schmerling Law stands out as a top choice for several reasons.

client review

After a dog attack, you may claim compensation from negligent dog owners to offset the cost of your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Our team is experienced in handling Randallstown dog bite cases and understands the complexities of Maryland’s personal injury laws. With a proven track record of success and a commitment to client satisfaction, Zirkin & Schmerling Law is your best option for navigating the legal challenges of dog bite injuries.

Zirkin & Schmerling’s Maryland dog bite attorneys provide personalized attention to each dog bite personal injury case, seeing that you receive the compensation you deserve from the dog owner. 

Call Zirkin & Schmerling Law at 410-753-4611 if you have been injured by a dog bite.

Statute of Limitations Under Maryland Dog Bite Law

three years

In Maryland, personal injury lawsuits related to dog bites must be filed within three years from the date of the incident.

If a lawsuit is not filed within this period, the dog bite law stipulates the claim will be legally barred, and the victim will lose the right to seek compensation from the negligent dog owner.

Seek legal representation from a lawyer specializing in dog attacks promptly to see that your claim is filed within the appropriate time frame.

At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your dog bite case and explore your legal options.

Take the first step towards justice and hold a dangerous dog or animal’s owner (and their insurance company) by calling us today at 410-753-4611.

Types of Dog Bite Injuries and Their Severity

Dog bite injuries can vary widely in severity, ranging from minor scratches to severe wounds.

puncture wounds

Here are some common types of injuries across dog breeds, along with explanations of their seriousness, required treatments, and long-term prognosis:

Puncture Wounds

Puncture wounds are deep wounds caused by the dog’s teeth penetrating the skin. Depending on the depth and location of the bite, the severity of puncture wounds can range from mild to severe.

Treatment typically involves cleaning and disinfecting the wound to prevent infection, administering a tetanus shot, and possibly prescribing antibiotics. In some cases, stitches may be necessary to close the wound.

The long-term prognosis for puncture wounds is generally good if treated promptly. However, deep punctures can lead to infections or scarring if not properly managed.



Lacerations are skin tears caused by a dog’s teeth or claws. Depending on the extent of the tear and the amount of tissue damage, these injuries can vary from mild to severe.

Treatment for lacerations often involves:

  • Closing the wound with stitches or staples.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the area.
  • Prescribing antibiotics to prevent infection.

The healing process for lacerations can take several weeks, and there may be permanent scarring.

In cases of severe lacerations, plastic surgery may be required to repair the damage and improve the appearance of the affected area.


dog bite infections

Dog bites can introduce bacteria into the wound, leading to infections. The severity of infections can be significant if not treated promptly.

Treatment typically includes a course of antibiotics and proper wound care. In severe cases, hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics may be necessary. The long-term prognosis for infections is generally good if they are treated early.

However, untreated infections can lead to more severe conditions, such as sepsis, which can be life-threatening and require intensive medical intervention.

Zirkin & Schmerling’s dog bite lawyers hold negligent dog owners accountable when the dog owner fails to prevent your injuries.

Muscle and Nerve Damage

nerve damage

Deep dog bites can cause significant muscle and nerve damage, leading to severe injuries that affect mobility and sensation.

Muscle and nerve damage treatment often involves surgery to repair the damaged tissues, followed by physical therapy to restore function.

Recovery from these injuries can be lengthy, and some damage may be permanent, necessitating ongoing therapy and support. The long-term prognosis varies, but with proper treatment and rehabilitation, many individuals can regain a significant degree of function.


In some cases, the force of a dog bite can be strong enough to fracture bones, particularly in the hands and arms. Fractures are severe injuries that require immediate medical attention.

Treatment typically involves setting the bones with a cast or performing surgery to provide proper alignment and healing. Pain management and physical therapy are also essential components of the recovery process.

With appropriate treatment, most fractures heal well, but severe cases may have lingering effects that require ongoing care and rehabilitation.


Severe dog bites can lead to disfigurement, especially if the face or hands are involved. These injuries can significantly affect both appearance and function.

Treatment for disfigurement often includes plastic surgery to repair the damage and improve the appearance of the affected area. Scar revision procedures may also be necessary. Additionally, psychological support is crucial to help individuals cope with the emotional impact of disfigurement.

The long-term prognosis varies, but with proper medical and psychological care, many individuals can significantly improve their appearance and emotional well-being.

Emotional Trauma

emotional distress

The psychological impact of a dog bite can be devastating. Victims, especially children, often suffer from emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and fear.

Treatment for emotional trauma typically involves counseling or therapy to address these issues and help the victim process the traumatic event. Support groups and other forms of psychological support can also be beneficial.

With appropriate psychological care, many individuals can recover from the emotional effects of a dog bite, although some may experience long-term psychological impacts.


Although rare, dog bites can transmit rabies if the dog is infected with the virus. Rabies is an extremely severe and potentially fatal condition if not treated promptly.

Immediate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with rabies vaccinations is necessary to prevent the virus from taking hold.

The long-term prognosis for rabies is good if treated promptly with PEP. However, once symptoms of rabies appear, the condition is almost always fatal, highlighting the importance of immediate medical attention following a potential rabies exposure.

Zirkin & Schmerling’s Maryland dog bite lawyers at 410-753-4611 to help you get the compensation you deserve for serious injuries.

Understanding Dog Owner Responsibilities in Maryland

Essentially, the first time a dog bites or acts aggressively, the owner may not be held liable because they had no prior knowledge of the dog’s dangerous behavior.

However, after the first incident, the owner is considered aware of the dog’s potential for aggression and shoulders dog bite liability for injuries caused by subsequent dog bites.

In Maryland, you can file a claim based on either negligence or strict liability.

For a negligence claim, you need to prove that the dog owner failed to take reasonable steps to prevent their dog from causing harm. This might include not restraining the dog properly, failing to train the dog, or ignoring signs that the dog could be dangerous. The plaintiff must show that the owner’s lack of reasonable care directly resulted in the injury.

Strict liability, on the other hand, doesn’t require proof of negligence. Instead, it focuses on whether the owner knew or should have known about the dog’s dangerous tendencies. In Maryland, you can pursue strict liability if you can show that the owner was aware of the dog’s potential to cause harm, regardless of any negligent actions. Additionally, strict liability may apply if the dog was off-leash and roaming freely.

At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, our compassionate Maryland dog bite attorneys understand a dog bite’s emotional and physical toll.

A dog bite accident victim can recover compensation after an accident by filing a dog bite case in Maryland court. Call us today at 410-753-4611 to discuss your dog bite accident and obtain legal representation.

What Does Dog Bite Law Require of Owners?

Under Maryland law, dog owners are required to see that their dogs do not pose a danger to a potential dog bite victim. The following requirements are designed to reduce the chances of a dog attack.

Proper Restraint

Dog owners must keep their dogs restrained adequately at all times. This typically means using a leash when the dog is outside the owner’s property and seeing that the dog is securely fenced in or otherwise contained on the other dog owner’s property.

Preventing Escapes

Owners are also responsible for taking necessary precautions to prevent their dogs from escaping the property and potentially harming others.

This might involve maintaining secure fencing and gates, using appropriate collars and leashes, and being vigilant about supervising the dog.

Addressing Known Aggressive Behavior

If a dog has previously shown aggressive behavior, the owner is responsible for taking heightened precautions to prevent an attack or dog bite injury.

This could include using muzzles, posting warning signs, and seeking professional training or behavioral interventions for the dog.

Compliance with Local Regulations

Dog owners must also comply with all local regulations and ordinances related to dog ownership, including registration, vaccination requirements, and adherence to breed-specific legislation.

Maryland law allows victims of dog bites to seek compensation for their injuries and damages after a dog attack.

The owner can be held strictly liable for various costs, including:

dog bite randallstown
  • Medical expenses: Covering the cost of immediate medical treatment, ongoing care, and any necessary surgeries.
  • Lost wages: Compensating for time missed from work due to dog injuries.
  • Pain and suffering: Providing compensation for physical pain and emotional distress caused by the incident.
  • Property damage: Covering the cost of any personal property damaged during the canine attack.

If the owner was negligent in handling or restraining the dog or if they violated local ordinances, this can further strengthen the victim’s case for compensation.

Maryland’s strict liability statute means that the animal’s owner is responsible for the dog’s actions even if they took reasonable care to prevent the bite, making it easier for victims to receive the compensation they deserve.

Zirkin & Schmerling’s dog bite attorneys specialize in personal injury cases and can handle your case with dedication.

If a pit bull or other animal has bitten you, contact Zirkin & Schmerling today at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation from an experienced attorney.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bite Cases

What Are Common Defenses in Dog Bite Cases?

In dog bite cases, common defenses include claims that the victim provoked the dog, the dog was defending its owner or property, or the victim was trespassing on private property.

It’s essential to have a free consultation with a knowledgeable dog bite lawyer to counter these defenses and strengthen your case.

Does Maryland Have a List of Dangerous Dog Breeds?

Maryland law does not mention any specific dangerous dog breed. Instead, the state’s laws focus on the individual dog’s behavior rather than its breed. This means that any dog, not just pit bulls, can be considered dangerous if it has exhibited aggressive behavior, such as biting or attacking a person or other animal.

However, local jurisdictions within Maryland may have regulations or ordinances that identify certain breeds (like pit bulls or pit bull mixes) as dangerous.

How Can You Prevent Dog Bites?

Preventing dog bites involves always supervising interactions between children and dogs, teaching children how to approach and interact safely, avoiding unfamiliar dogs, and seeing that dogs are properly trained and socialized.

These steps can significantly reduce the risk of a Randallstown dog bite injury and subsequent dog bite claims.

What Compensation Can I Receive for a Dog Bite Injury?

liability dog bites

Victims of dog bites can receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any property damage resulting from the incident.

Proving liability in such incidents can be challenging, and a dog bite victim shouldn’t file their own claim.

A skilled Maryland dog bite lawyer can help you maximize the compensation you receive through a dog bite claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Maryland?

In Maryland, you have three years from the date the dog bite occurred to file a personal injury lawsuit.

It’s crucial to act quickly and consult with a dog bite injury lawyer specializing in dog attacks to see that your claim is filed within the statute of limitations. If deadlines are missed, it is unlikely the animal’s owner can be held liable when their dog injures you or a loved one.

Is a Dog Bite a Criminal Offense?

Yes, a dog bite can lead to criminal charges under certain circumstances. If a dog owner is found to have acted negligently or recklessly in controlling their dog, resulting in severe injury or death, they could face criminal charges.

Criminal charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on the injury’s severity and the case’s circumstances. Penalties may include fines, community service, or even imprisonment.

Consult your dog bite attorney to determine if the animal owner committed a crime.

What Should I Do Immediately After a Dog Bite?

Immediately after a dog bite, you should seek medical attention, report the incident to your local animal control department, and gather information about the dog and the dog owner’s insurance company.

Be sure to document injuries caused by the dog attack by taking pictures of all injuries so your dog bite lawyer can prove the severity of the attack.

After seeking medical care and documenting your dog bite injury, consult with a dog attack lawyer as soon as possible to help you understand your legal options.

Can I Sue the Dog Owners for a Dog Bite if the Dog Has Never Bitten Anyone Before?

Yes, Maryland’s strict liability law holds dog owners responsible for dog attacks and bites, even if the dog has no history of aggression. An owner is held strictly liable for animal injury, and an injured person can pursue compensation regardless of the dog’s past behavior.

Each Maryland dog bite lawyer is here to help you navigate dog bite accidents, dog attacks, and dog bite cases in Maryland.

Contact the Zirkin & Schmerling Law office today at 410-753-4611 to discuss strict liability, rightful compensation, and maximizing compensation available under Maryland personal injury law.

dog bite randallstown

Contact Our Experienced Dog Bite Lawyers in Randallstown, MD

The experienced team of personal injury lawyers at Zirkin & Schmerling Law can significantly impact the amount you receive in a dog bite settlement, potentially by tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Zirkin & Schmerling’s Maryland dog bite law firm provides comprehensive legal counsel, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, providing a smooth and stress-free process for you.

Contact our Law Firm at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation on your dog bite claim.