Owings Mills Dog Bite Lawyer - Zirkin and Schmerling Law

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Owings Mills Dog Bite Lawyer

owings mills dog bite lawyer

How Can an Owings Mills Dog Bite Lawyer Help Me?

Being attacked and bitten by a dog can be an extremely traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. Dog bites can result in severe injuries like lacerations, puncture wounds, disfigurement, infections, and permanent scarring or disfigurement. Children are especially vulnerable and often suffer injuries to the face and neck areas. The psychological trauma of dog attack injuries and dog bites can also be significant, leading to long-lasting fear, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

owings mills dog bites

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite, dog attack, or animal attack by a dog owned, dog’s owner, pit bull, or other dog breeds in Owings Mills or anywhere in Maryland, it’s critical to understand your legal rights and options for seeking compensation. When dog owners fail to uphold this duty of care, they can be held financially liable through a personal injury claim or lawsuit.

Working with an experienced Owings Mills dog bite lawyer from Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm provides invaluable benefits as you seek justice and fair compensation for your injuries and related damages. With our team, your well-being is our top priority. Our law office is here to provide comprehensive legal support to help you navigate through these challenging times.

Our skilled dog bite injury attorney can:

  • Investigate the attack and gather evidence to build a strong case, including witness statements, medical records, and documentation of all damages
  • Identify all potentially liable parties, which may include the dog’s owner, a property owner, landlord who knew the dog was dangerous, homeowner’s insurance company, or other entities
  • Navigate the complex legal process and Maryland’s strict liability dog bite laws
  • Handle all negotiations with the insurance companies to pursue maximum compensation
  • If needed, take your case to trial and aggressively represent your interests in court
  • See that you meet all filing deadlines and requirements under Maryland’s statute of limitations

An Overview of Maryland Dog Bite Laws

Unlike some states, Maryland does not follow the “one bite rule.” Under Maryland’s strict liability statute (Section 3-1901 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Code), a dog owner is held responsible for any injury or death caused by their dog, regardless of whether the dog had previously exhibited vicious behavior.

one bite rule

There are a few key exceptions where dog owners may not be held liable:

  • The victim was trespassing or attempting to commit a crime on the owner’s property
  • The victim was provoking, tormenting, or abusing the dog

Maryland also has laws specifically addressing “dangerous” dogs like pit bulls that have killed or inflicted severe injury on a person or animal in the past. Owners of dangerous dogs must keep them properly confined and leashed when off the premises.

Even if the strict liability law does not apply in a particular case, dog owners in Maryland can still potentially be held liable through a negligence claim if it can be proven they failed to exercise reasonable care in controlling or confining their dog.

Proving Negligence in Dog Bite Cases


When bringing a negligence claim against a dog owner, the victim must prove four key elements:

1) Duty of care: The dog owner owed a legal duty to exercise reasonable care to prevent foreseeable harm or injury to others through the actions of their dog.

2) Breach of duty: The owner breached or violated this duty through specific actions or lack of action (e.g. allowing the dog to roam free, failing to leash or confine the dog).

3) Causation: The owner’s negligence was the direct and proximate cause of the victim’s injury.

4) Damages: The victim suffered actual damages or injury as a result.

Potential evidence that may be used to prove negligence includes:

  • The dog’s breed, history, and any previous aggressive behavior
  • Lack of proper restraints, escape from the owner’s property, or violation of local leash laws
  • Failure to properly train, socialize, or control the dog in a situation where an attack was foreseeable
  • Eyewitness testimony about the incident and the circumstances leading up to it

How to File an Insurance Claim for a Dog Bite

medical attention

Most homeowners’ insurance policies provide liability coverage for dog bite injuries, even if they occurred away from the homeowner’s property. This means that in many personal injury cases, you will be filing a claim directly with the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance company to seek compensation.

To properly document your dog bite claim, you should:

  • Report the dog bite to your local animal control office and obtain a copy of the report
  • Seek immediate medical attention, even if injuries seem minor, and keep all medical statements and medical bills
  • Take photographs of your injuries as soon as possible after the attack
  • Gather contact information for any witnesses
  • Obtain the dog owner’s name, address, and insurance information
report dog bite

While the insurance company may make a quick settlement offer, it’s crucial not to simply accept it. The initial offer often does not fully account for the extent of injuries, medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages you may be entitled to recover like non-economic damages for emotional distress.

A dog bite attorney can evaluate any settlement offer and negotiate with the insurer on your behalf to pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve. 

At Zirkin & Schmerling, our experienced attorneys are committed to delivering personalized legal strategies tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. If the insurance company refuses to make a reasonable settlement, your lawyer can then take your dog bite case to court.

Call the Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm today at 410-753-4611 if you have experienced a dog bite injury.

What You Need to Know After a Dog Bite in Maryland

Under Maryland law, dog owners can be held strictly liable for injuries caused by their pets, regardless of whether the dog had previously exhibited vicious behavior. This means that victims may be able to recover compensation for damages associated with the attack.

However, it’s crucial to properly document the incident and collect evidence to present a strong case. This includes seeking immediate medical attention, even for seemingly minor bites or injuries, as dog bites can easily become infected or lead to other complications if not treated promptly.

When you visit a healthcare provider after a dog bite, be sure to explain exactly what happened and have them thoroughly document your injuries and the received treatment. Request copies of all medical records related to the incident, as these will serve as vital evidence should you decide to pursue legal action.

In addition to medical documentation, try to obtain the following evidence:

  • Photos or videos clearly showing your injuries from multiple angles
  • Contact information for any witnesses who saw the attack occur
  • Details about the dog’s owner and whether they were present or made any statements
  • Information on the dog itself, such as breed, color, size, whether it was on a leash, etc.
  • Any information about previous incidents involving this particular dog attacking others
insurance policy

If the dog’s owner is a tenant renting property and the landlord knew the dog had a history of aggression or dangerous behavior, this could strengthen your case as the landlord may share liability. Document any evidence that the landlord was aware of the dog’s vicious propensities.

By collecting and properly preserving this evidence soon after the attack occurs, you’ll be able to effectively present your case to the dog owner’s insurance company or take it to court if needed.

Even with strong evidence, dog bite cases can quickly become complex legal battles. This is why it’s highly recommended to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer who specializes in dog bite and animal attack cases under Maryland law as soon as possible.

Our lawyers take dog bite injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay any upfront costs and they only get paid if we recover compensation for you. Call us today at 410-753-4611.

We have the experienced needed to:

  • Evaluate your case and estimated damages
  • Properly document and preserve critical evidence
  • Handle all communications and negotiations with the insurance companies
  • Hire expert witnesses if needed to substantiate your claims
  • Build a strong legal strategy and arguments under Maryland’s dog bite statutes
  • Take your case to trial if the dog owner refuses to offer a fair settlement

While you focus on recovering and receiving medical treatment, having an aggressive dog bite lawyer advocating for you increases the chances of recovering the maximum damages you may be entitled to under Maryland law. We pride ourselves on our compassionate approach, ensuring you feel supported throughout your legal journey.

Legal requirements around keeping dogs properly restrained and preventing animal attacks vary from state to state. But in Maryland, there are clear laws holding dog owners strictly liable, with only a few exceptions like if the victim was trespassing or provoking the animal.

Far too many people across Maryland are injured by dogs each year, resulting in hefty medical bills, lost income, and lasting trauma—both physical and emotional. But by acting quickly to collect evidence, report the incident, and consult with a qualified attorney, dog bite victims can protect their rights and recover damages.


Do You Need an Expert Witness in a Dog Bite Case?

While an expert witness is not required in every dog bite case, they can provide critical evidence and testimony to strengthen your claim, especially if liability or the extent of damages is disputed.

Several types of experts may be utilized:

  • Medical experts can explain the nature and severity of the dog bite injuries, required medical treatment, potential future complications like nerve damage or need for skin grafts. Medical experts are also crucial for documenting psychological trauma like emotional distress.
  • Veterinary and animal behavior experts can analyze the dog’s breed characteristics, behavior tendencies, vulnerability to provocation, history of aggression, and whether the owner should have known the dog posed a risk.
  • Forensic experts may be needed to confirm the identity of the dog responsible if there were multiple dogs involved.

An Owings Mills dog bite lawyer can evaluate your personal injury claim and decide if an expert witness could help your case. Contact Zirkin & Schmerling Law today at 410-753-4611.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Dog Attacks?

Dog bites and other dog attacks like being knocked over causing broken bones or crushing injuries have the potential to cause severe, permanently disfiguring physical injuries that have profound emotional impacts, especially in children.

Some potential long-term effects include:

  • Permanent scarring, disfigurement, and loss of function or mobility
  • Nerve damage, muscle/tendon injuries, infections, and other complications
  • Potential rabies exposure and the need for treatment
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, phobias, and emotional trauma
  • Lost wages and diminished ability to work or pursue a career
  • Expensive ongoing medical treatment and physical therapy
  • Physical impediments and inability to participate in normal activities
dangerous dogs

The psychological effects of a violent dog attack should never be underestimated, particularly in young children. Counseling, therapy, and other treatments are often required for victims to overcome emotional trauma and regain their confidence.

Dog bites and animal attacks can cause severe dog bite injuries requiring emergency room visits and extensive medical treatment. If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries like broken bones or other trauma from a dog bite, dog attack, or animal attack by a pit bull owned by someone else in Owings Mills, MD or elsewhere in Baltimore, it’s crucial to consult an experienced dog bite injury lawyer and dog bite injury attorney. Many lawyers like our reputable dog bite lawyers offer a free consultation to review dog bite injury cases involving pit bulls or other dogs.

Our skilled Baltimore dog bite lawyers can launch a thorough investigation and evidence collection. Under Maryland’s strict liability laws, dog owners may be liable even for a first-time free bite incident if their animal causes injuries. Let our dog bite injury attorneys present evidence and protect your rights to recover damages that you deserve after receiving treatment if a dog injures you.

owings mills dog bite lawyer

Contact an Owings Mills, MD Dog Bite Lawyer

If you, your child, or someone you know has suffered injuries caused by a stray dog, dog owned by a landlord who knew it was dangerous, or another animal attack whether from a pit bull or other breed, and the victim contributed no fault, it’s important to explore all legal options promptly under Maryland’s dog bite law and the new law on strict liability.

Many people injured by pit bulls or other dogs, whether through dog bites, knocking them over, or other attacks, may be able to recover compensation for their medical expenses, lost income, and other damages like pain and suffering.

lawyer in owings mills

The skilled personal injury lawyers and dog bite attorneys at Zirkin & Schmerling have extensive experience handling dog bite cases and dog attack injuries in Owings Mills, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Upper Marlboro, and throughout Maryland.

We encourage you to call our law office or fill out our online form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today after a dog attack.

Our Owings Mills dog bite injury lawyer will carefully review the evidence, help collect documentation of your dog bite injuries, present your case to the insurance company, and fight aggressively to recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

With decades of local experience and a proven track record, our law offices are dedicated to securing the best possible results for you and your family after dog attacks. Don’t try to navigate this complex situation alone – let our compassionate legal team advocate for you while you focus on healing and recovery.

Contact our dog bite injury lawyer now to get started at 410-753-4611.