Dog Bite Lawyer in College Park | Zirkin and Schmerling Law

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Dog Bite Lawyer in College Park

dog bite lawyer in college park

Choosing the right lawyer after a dog bite incident is crucial to securing the compensation you deserve. With so many attorneys, it can be overwhelming to determine which is best suited to handle your case.

Zirkin & Schmerling is the best choice for handling dog bite cases in College Park, Maryland due to their extensive experience, proven track record, and specialized focus on personal injury law.

Each dog bite lawyer in our firm understands the complexities of dog bite laws and has successfully secured substantial settlements for our clients.

Our experienced dog bite personal injury attorneys are committed to fighting for your rights and helping you receive the compensation you deserve.

Zirkin & Schmerling law firm is renowned for its compassionate approach and dedication to client satisfaction.

When you choose a Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite attorney, you choose a personal injury lawyer who will stand by you every step of the way, from initial consultation to final settlement.

Don’t wait—call a Zirkin & Schmerling personal injury lawyer at 410-753-4611 to secure the representation you need after a dog attack.

Understanding Dog Bite Laws in Maryland

dog breed in dog bite case

Under Maryland law, dog owners may be held liable for injuries if they created an unreasonable risk of harm under circumstances where it was foreseeable that a dog bite injury could occur.

There is a persistent myth that Maryland is a “one-bite” state, implying that dog owners cannot be held liable if their dogs have never bitten anyone.

In reality, Maryland does not adhere to the “one-bite” rule, meaning a dog does not have to have previously bitten someone for the dog owner to be liable.

Maryland’s bite laws have evolved over the years, and at one time, strict liability was imposed only on repeat offenders.

all dogs can bite

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, all dogs have the potential to bite, and it is the owner’s responsibility to manage their pet’s safety regardless of the breed.

Dog bite cases can be pursued based on two primary theories of liability: negligence and strict liability.

maryland dog bites
  • Negligence: When the dog owner fails to exercise reasonable care to prevent the dog from causing harm. The plaintiff must demonstrate that the dog owner didn’t act with reasonable care, and it directly resulted in the dog bite injury.
  • Strict Liability: Under this theory, proving the owner was negligent is unnecessary. Instead, it must be shown that the owner knew or should have known their dog was dangerous, proving vicious propensity.

Maryland’s civil liability standard has been expanded beyond certain breeds, now applying to all dog breeds. This means that dog owners of any breed can be held strictly liable if it is established that the owner knew of the dog’s dangerous propensities.

Has a dog bitten you? Call Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite lawyers at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation with an experienced dog bite attorney.

What Constitutes Negligence in College Park, Maryland Dog Bite Cases?

Maryland’s approach to dog bite litigation is based on the common law of negligence, as there is no specific statute imposing civil penalties for when dog bites occur.

To seek compensation for injuries from a dog bite, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the dog’s owner’s lack of reasonable care directly led to the dog attack. This principle also applies to other injuries caused by dogs, such as being knocked over by a large breed.

For your dog bite attorney to establish negligence after a dog bite, four key elements must be proven:

  • Duty: The dog’s owner had a duty to protect the plaintiff from harm.
  • Breach: The owner breached that duty by failing to control the dog.
  • Causation: This breach directly caused the dog bite injury.
  • Damages: The plaintiff suffered damages from dog or other animal attacks.

For example, if a property owner fails to restrain a dog and it bites a visitor, the owner’s breach results in serious injury.

However, if the bite occurred while the dog bite victim was trespassing on the dog owner’s property or provoking the dog, they might not be entitled to recover damages.

Get the compensation you deserve. Contact Zirkin & Schmerling at 410-753-4611 and speak with a personal injury lawyer about your dog bite case.

Statute of Limitations for Dog Bite Lawsuits in Maryland

college park dog bites

You have three years in Maryland from the date of the dog bite to file a lawsuit. Missing this deadline usually means forfeiting your right to seek compensation.

While many dog lovers may hesitate to seek compensation, it is crucial to prioritize your well-being and your family by securing legal representation.

If a dog has bitten you or a family member, contact a personal injury lawyer promptly to explore your options for recovering damages.

Unsure about your legal options after a vicious dog bite or other animal attack? Call 410-753-4611 to speak with Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm about your personal injury case.

How a Maryland Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help

Dog bites can cause severe injuries that impact your ability to work and live normally, along with significant medical expenses.

You might be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses resulting from a dog bite.

If a dog bite has injured you or a loved one, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Zirkin & Schmerling today.

We can help you understand the current laws and assess whether you have a valid claim against the dog owner. Call us today for a free case evaluation.

Don’t settle for less. Contact Zirkin & Schmerling at 410-753-4611 for legal advice from a Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite attorney.

Qualities to Look for in a Dog Bite Lawyer

Choosing the right dog bite lawyer involves evaluating their experience, track record, specialization, and reputation.

When choosing a dog bite lawyer, one of the most critical qualities to consider is experience. You want a dog bite lawyer who has been practicing law for several years and has extensive experience winning dog bite cases.

An experienced bite lawyer will thoroughly understand the complexities of these personal injury cases, including typical dog owner’s insurance company tactics to avoid paying.

Track record is another essential factor. Look for a personal injury firm with a proven success rate in dog bite cases and notable outcomes demonstrating their ability to win significant settlements or verdicts.

A long history of winning severe dog bite cases indicates expertise, negotiation skills, and the ability to present compelling court cases.

Our experienced dog bite lawyers have a solid track record of helping victims recover compensation for medical bills, suffering, and lost income due to attacks by vicious dogs.

dog bite lawsuits

Specialization is equally essential. Dog bite lawsuits can be quite different from other types of personal injury cases, like a car accident or slip-and-fall. Lawyers who focus on dog bite cases will be more adept at handling the unique aspects of these claims.

Specialization ensures that the dog bite lawyer is familiar with personal injury law and passionate about advocating for every dog bite victim and their family.

Lastly, consider the dog bite lawyer’s reputation. Reviews and testimonials from past clients give insight into the lawyer’s professionalism, communication skills, and overall client satisfaction.

A personal injury lawyer with a solid professional standing and positive feedback in dog bite claims is more likely to provide competent representation.

You want experienced dog attack lawyers to handle your personal injury claim. Contact Zirkin & Schmerling at 410-753-4611.

Steps to Take After Dog Bite Injuries

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

dog bite college park
  1. First Aid: Clean the dog bite wound with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. Apply an antiseptic and cover the wound with a clean bandage.
  2. Professional Medical Attention: Visit a healthcare professional immediately for a thorough evaluation and treatment. Even minor bites can lead to severe infections or complications.
  3. Documentation: Keep all proof you sought medical attention, including the diagnosis, treatment plan, and any prescribed medications, as they will be necessary for your legal case.

Report the Incident to Local Authorities

animal control agency
  1. Animal Control: Contact your local animal control agency to report the bite. This helps create an official record of the incident and initiates any necessary actions, such as quarantine of the dog.
  2. Police Report: File a report with the police if the situation requires it, especially if the dog is aggressive or there is a dispute about the circumstances of the bite.

Collect and Preserve Evidence

  1. Take photographs: Take clear photos of your injuries immediately after the incident and throughout the healing process. Also, photograph the location where the bite occurred.
  2. Take notes: Write down your recollection of the event in detail, including the time, date, and circumstances leading up to the bite. Note any interactions with the dog and its owner.
  3. Gather witness information: Collect contact information from anyone who witnessed the incident. Witnesses can provide valuable testimony that supports your version of events.
  4. Collect statements: Ask witnesses to provide written or recorded statements about what they saw, including details about the dog’s behavior and the context of the bite.
  5. Preserve documents: Proof you sought medical attention immediately will help your claim. Save doctor and hospital bills, visit notes, and reports from diagnostic scans like MRIs, CT Scans, and X-rays. Also, save receipts from any modifications to your home or equipment, like wheelchairs, medical beds, or bandages related to your dog bite injuries.

Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer as Soon as Possible

  1. Free consultation: Schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney who specializes in dog bite cases. Early legal advice from experienced dog bite lawyers will help you understand your rights.
  2. Secure representation: When you choose a dog bite lawyer, the personal injury law firm will guide you through the legal process, help gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in court if necessary.
  3. Provide evidence to your attorney: Make sure your dog bite lawyer has all the evidence you collected. Tell them about your conversations with the dog owner or their insurance company.

Identify the Dog and Its Owner

  1. Owner information: Obtain the dog owner’s name, address, and contact details. Ask for proof of the dog’s vaccination status.
  2. Dog’s history: Find out if the dog has a history of aggressive behavior or previous bites. This information can be crucial for your case.

Follow Up with Authorities & Health Care Providers

  1. Animal Control updates: Stay in touch with Animal Control for updates on their investigation and any actions against the vicious dog or its owner.
  2. Legal progress: Keep in regular contact with your dog bite attorney to stay informed about the progress of your case and any additional steps you need to take.
  3. Medical follow-ups: Attend all follow-up medical appointments to monitor your recovery and address complications.
  4. Mental health: Seek psychological support if needed. Dog bites can cause emotional trauma, and counseling may help you cope with anxiety or PTSD.

By following these steps, you can protect your health, gather crucial evidence, and build a strong case for fair and full compensation with the help of an experienced dog bite lawyer.

Have questions about your dog bite case? Call 410-753-4611 to speak with a Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite attorney.

How to Handle a Dog Bite Case Involving a Child

When a dog bites a child, it inflicts more than just physical wounds; the emotional distress can linger long after the body has healed. For children, the impact of such an incident is particularly severe.

Physical Impact of Dog Bites on Children

Children often suffer more extensive physical damage from dog bites than adults due to their smaller size and ongoing development. Injuries can range from minor puncture wounds to severe, disfiguring scars and, in extreme cases, a wrongful death lawsuit.

Emotional Consequences of Dog Bites

The aftermath of a dog bite extends beyond physical scars, often leaving deep emotional wounds in a child. These experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), making future interactions with animals challenging and triggering fear responses at the mere sight or sound of a dog.

Addressing a dog bite’s physical and emotional effects is crucial in helping a child recover fully.

Each dog bite attorney at Zirkin and Schmerling Law can help you recover full and fair compensation after a dog bite injury.

Call Zirkin & Schmerling today at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation with an experienced dog bite injury lawyer.

Impact of Previous Aggressive Dog Incidents on Liability


In Maryland, if a dog has a history of aggression or has previously bitten someone, a prior incident puts the owner (and the dog’s insurance company) on notice of the dog’s dangerous tendencies.

When a dog has previously exhibited aggressive behavior, the owner is expected to take additional precautions to prevent further dog attacks.

Failure to implement these precautions can be seen as negligence, thereby increasing the owner’s liability in the event of another incident.

Classifying a dog as “potentially dangerous” or “dangerous” under Maryland Code 10-619 further cements the owner’s responsibility to protect the public.

If a dog previously designated as a vicious or dangerous animal causes another injury, the ability is often presumed due to their knowledge of the aggressive nature. This presumption can make it easier for an injury victim to prove their cases and secure compensation for serious injuries.

Even if the dog has no prior history of aggression, the dog’s owner may still be held liable under the general principles of negligence.

Unsure about your legal options after a dog bite? Call 410-753-4611 to speak with Zirkin & Schmerling. With decades of local experience and a proven track record, we are dedicated to securing the best possible results for you and your family.

Mental Health Support for Dog Bite Victims

A dog bite’s emotional and psychological impact can be as debilitating as the physical injuries. Victims, especially children, often experience anxiety, fear, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a dog attack.

Addressing these mental health issues after a dog attack is crucial for comprehensive recovery.

Therapy and counseling play a vital role in helping dog bite victims cope with their trauma. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective in managing anxiety and PTSD by helping individuals reframe negative thoughts and reduce fear responses.

Exposure therapy, which gradually and safely reintroduces the victim to controlled situations involving dogs, can also be beneficial in overcoming fear and regaining confidence.

Support groups provide a sense of community and understanding for people attacked by a dangerous dog.

Sharing experiences and coping strategies with others who have faced similar trauma can be incredibly validating and healing.

Dog bite victims need to seek mental health support as soon as possible.

Early intervention can prevent long-term psychological effects and improve the overall quality of life for people injured by a dangerous dog. If you or a loved one has been affected by a dog bite, consider reaching out to a mental health professional to explore your options for therapy and support.

Call us at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation with a Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite attorney today. Our experienced attorneys are committed to delivering personalized legal strategies tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bites

What are the rabies symptoms and treatments after a dog bite?

Rabies symptoms typically include fever, headache, muscle spasms, paralysis, and mental confusion, progressing to severe neurological symptoms if left untreated.

If bitten by a dangerous dog suspected of having rabies, immediate medical attention is crucial.

Treatment involves a series of rabies vaccinations administered over two weeks to prevent the virus from taking hold and causing severe health issues.

How can I socialize my dog to prevent aggression?

Proper socialization involves exposing your dog to various people, environments, and other animals in a controlled and positive manner.

Consult a professional trainer to determine if your dog is a good candidate for socialization to reduce fear and aggression.

What should I do immediately after a dangerous dog bite?

Seek medical attention right away to treat your injuries and prevent infection. Report the animal attack incident to local authorities and photograph the scene and your injuries.

Gather witness information and contact a dog bite lawyer as soon as possible.

How long do I have to file a dog bite lawsuit in Maryland?

In Maryland, your dog bite injury attorney generally has three years from the date of the dog bite to file a lawsuit. It’s essential to act quickly and consult with a lawyer to ensure you meet this deadline.

Can I sue if the dog owner is a friend or family member?

Yes, you can sue a friend or family member if their dog bites you. Your dog bite attorney may be able to secure compensation from their homeowner’s insurance, which can help avoid personal financial strain on your relationship.

What if the dog owner doesn’t have insurance?

If the dog owner doesn’t have insurance, you can still sue them personally for damages. However, collecting compensation might be more challenging. Contact a dog bite lawyer to explore all available legal options.

How is compensation calculated in a dog attack?

Compensation in a dog bite claim is calculated based on several factors, including medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and any long-term effects of the injury.

Your dog bite lawyer will help determine a fair amount based on the specifics of your case.

Take control of your dog bite personal injury case with a team that stands out among Maryland Personal Injury Law Firms. Speak with a Zirkin & Schmerling dog bite lawyer today at 410-753-4611.

college park dog bite attorney

Contact Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm For Help With Your Maryland Dog Bite Injury

Having an excellent and experienced dog bite injury lawyer can mean a difference of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for your dog bite settlement.

At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, your well-being is our top priority. We are here to provide comprehensive legal support to help you navigate through these challenging times. Each dog bite lawyer on our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality legal representation to secure maximum compensation after experiencing a dog bite.

Contact us today at 410-753-4611 to discuss your dog bite claim and your options for filing a personal injury or wrongful death suit.