Dog Bite Lawyer in Bowie | Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm

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Dog Bite Lawyer in Bowie

dog bite lawyer in bowie

Working with a Dog Bite Lawyer in Maryland

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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports approximately 4.7 million dog bites in the United States annually. When dealing with Maryland animal dog bites, it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer by your side, fighting for your rights.

Zirkin & Schmerling offers experienced legal representation for a dog bite victim in Bowie and throughout Maryland. At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, your well-being is our top priority. We are here to provide comprehensive legal support to help you navigate through these challenging times.

Our law firm focuses on helping you secure the compensation you deserve while guiding you through every step of the legal process with care. Our approach ensures that your Maryland dog bite injury case is handled with the attention required, making us the best choice to fight for you.

We understand the complexities involved, from proving liability to negotiating with insurance companies to recovering compensation for your medical costs, lost income, and any personal injuries sustained.

Call Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm today at 410-753-4611 to schedule a free case evaluation and learn more about how we can help you navigate your dog bite claim in Bowie.

How Social Media Can Impact Dog Bite Injury Lawsuits

Social media has become an important factor in animal/dog bite lawsuits. Posts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram can negatively influence the outcome of your personal injury case.

Videos of the scene, comments about the incident, or photos while in the emergency room could negatively impact your claim if they suggest that the dog owner exercised reasonable care. Managing your social media presence carefully during animal/dog bite lawsuits is crucial to avoid any negative effects on the outcome. Social media posts could be used to argue that you provoked the dog or didn’t suffer severe injuries, which could undermine your case.  It is good to take pictures and make notes about what happened.  And it is important to contact Animal Control after a bite.  But posting on social media is usually not a good idea.

Contact a Zirkin & Schmerling Maryland Dog Bite Lawyer at 410-753-4611 for advice from dog bite attorneys and a free case evaluation. Our experienced attorneys are committed to delivering personalized legal strategies tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

Dog Bites in Maryland’s Parks and Recreational Areas

dog bite attorney in bowie

MD animal dog bites in public parks are a significant concern.

Maryland dog bite laws typically hold the dog owner responsible for dog bites, especially if they fail to control their pets in public spaces. This liability often extends to ensuring that the animal/dog is in an enclosed and secure area or is properly leashed.

Maryland dog bite law uses a hybrid system of negligence and strict liability in determining whether a victim may be compensated. Under strict liability, a victim will be compensated and the wrongdoer, usually the dog owner or harborer, will be held liable for dog bites if, for example, the dog was running at large before attacking. The only exceptions to this are if the dog bite victim was trespassing, tormenting or teasing the dog before it attacked. 

Under a theory of negligence, an owner or harborer of a dog may be held liable for a victim’s injuries if they acted unreasonably in controlling their dog or if they had reason to know of their dog’s vicious propensities and failed to control the dog. A Maryland dog bite attorney will be able to help determine liability to make sure you are not held responsible for someone else’s negligence and that you are compensated fairly if you were a victim of a dog bite.

Understanding the legal implications in these situations can help the dog owner and bite victims navigate the aftermath, including dealing with property damage and seeking medical treatment when you’ve suffered injuries. If you’ve been bitten by an animal/dog in a public park or recreational area, go to the emergency room for treatment.

Then call Zirkin & Schmerling at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation from an experienced founding partner of our firm. We pride ourselves on our compassionate approach, ensuring you feel supported throughout your legal journey.

FAQ Section

What Happens if a Dog Bite Occurs on a Prince George’s County Rental Property?

When an animal attack occurs on a Prince George’s County rental property, landlords may be held legally accountable if they knew about the dog’s aggressive behavior and did nothing to prevent an attack. However, as the animal/dog owner, tenants generally bear primary responsibility for the incident.

What If the Animal (Dog) Has No Prior History of Aggression?

dog bite lawyer in bowie

Even if a dog has no history of aggression, the dog breed owner may still be held strictly liable for a bite in Maryland under certain circumstances. The state’s laws are generally designed to protect dog bite victims and dog owners may be held responsible for their pets’ actions regardless of prior behavior. For example, an owner whose dog who is ‘running at large’ will be held strictly liable for injuries caused in the animal/dog attack. This encourages responsible pet ownership and protects the injured, even if the animal/dog owner did not know about the dog’s propensity to commit such an act.

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Dog Bite Case?

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The timeline of a dog bite lawsuit varies depending on factors such as the severity of the injuries and the willingness of the involved parties or their insurance companies to negotiate.

While some cases may be resolved in a few months, more complex cases could take a year or more. 

It is important to seek medical treatment for injuries immediately, make sure that the dog that attacked you is up to date on rabies shots, find out who the dog owner is, make a report to local Animal Control, and seek legal counsel at the earliest possible time.

Detailed Legal Process Overview

Understanding the legal process for filing a dog bite claim in Maryland can be complex.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate:

  1. Initial consultation: During this meeting, we’ll review your Prince George’s County case and discuss your options.
  2. Investigation: Our team will gather evidence, including medical records that prove you sought medical attention, witness statements, and relevant social media posts. We will also make sure we find all parties who are potentially at-fault including dog owners, harborers, keepers, or landlords.
  3. Filing the claim: We’ll prepare and file legal documents to initiate your case.
  4. Negotiation: We’ll negotiate with the animal/dog owner’s insurance company for a fair settlement.
  5. Litigation: If a settlement can’t be reached, we’ll take your case to court and advocate for your rights.

Ready to start the legal process? Zirkin & Schmerling is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation.

Dog Bite Awareness and Prevention Tips

dog bite lawyer in bowie

Bowie is a vibrant community with numerous parks and outdoor spaces where families and pets enjoy spending time. However, animal/dog bite incidents can and do occur in these areas.

Residents should be aware of local leash laws and practice responsible pet ownership to prevent dog bites. Educating themselves on tips for preventing someone’s injury and understanding the local regulations can help create a safer environment for everyone.

Contact Zirkin & Schmerling at 410-753-4611 to discuss your concerns and receive a free consultation on your dog bites.

Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bites can cause various injuries, including:

bowie dog bite attorney
  • Puncture wounds: Deep holes caused by the animal/dog’s teeth penetrating the skin.
  • Broken bones: Fractures that can occur when dog bites are forceful or if the victim falls during the attack.
  • Infections: Healthcare research shows bacterial infections like cellulitis or more severe infections such as sepsis are common if wounds caused by dog bites are not properly treated.
  • Rabies: A potentially fatal viral infection transmitted through animal/dog bites, particularly if the dog was not vaccinated.
  • Nerve damage: Injuries to nerves from dog bites that can result in numbness, tingling, or loss of function in the affected area.
  • Permanent scarring: Visible and lasting marks on the skin that may require cosmetic surgery to address.
  • Disfigurement: Severe tissue damage after dog bites that leads to altered appearance, especially if the face or hands are involved.
  • Muscle damage: Tears or damage to muscle tissue that may require surgical intervention and rehabilitation.
  • Psychological trauma: Like car accidents, emotional and mental health issues such as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common after dog bites.
  • Internal injuries: Damage to internal organs if the dog bites penetrates deeply into the body, particularly in small children.
  • Wrongful death: In the most severe dog bites, particularly if the victim is a young child or elderly person, a dog bite can be fatal. Immediate medical attention is crucial to prevent complications like rabies or tetanus.

Understanding the full scope of medical care needed after a potential injury is essential to ensure adequate financial compensation.

If you’re facing medical challenges due to dog bites, Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm can help you pursue the compensation you need from the dog’s owner. Contact us at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation today.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Dog Owners

bowie dog bite laws

In Maryland, dog owners have specific legal responsibilities to prevent their pets from harming others. This includes following leash laws, properly training and socializing their dogs, and taking precautions if they know their dog has aggressive tendencies.

Failing to meet these responsibilities can result in legal liability for any injuries caused by the dog. Understanding these rights and responsibilities is crucial for dog owners and victims of dog bites.

Need to understand your rights and responsibilities as a dog owner or a victim? Zirkin & Schmerling can provide the guidance you need. Call us at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation today.

The Role of Insurance in Dog Bites and Personal Injury Cases

When a dog bite occurs, one of the first things victims often wonder is how they will cover the medical bills and other costs associated with the incident.

In many cases, homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies provide insurance coverage for dog bite claims. However, the insurance company is more focused on protecting its bottom line than fairly compensating you for your injuries.

Insurance companies might try to minimize the payout by arguing that the injuries are not severe or that the dog owner was not entirely at fault. They may also attempt to offer a quick settlement that is far less than what you deserve.

That’s why having a knowledgeable dog bite personal injury attorney is crucial. An experienced dog bite injury attorney can help you understand the full extent of your damages and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Dealing with an insurance company after a dog bite injury? Let Zirkin & Schmerling help you navigate the process. Call us at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation.

Understanding Emotional and Psychological Damages

dog bite lawyer in bowie

Animal dog bites can also result in significant emotional and psychological trauma, especially with the youngest victims.

Dog bite-related anxiety, fear, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have long-lasting effects, impacting the victim’s quality of life and requiring therapy or counseling to manage.

In a dog bite injury case, it’s important to recognize that emotional and psychological damages are just as real and compensable as physical injuries.

Maryland law allows victims to seek financial compensation for non-economic damages, which include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and the impact on their day-to-day lives.

A skilled Maryland dog bite personal injury lawyer will help ensure that these aspects of your personal injury are fully considered when pursuing compensation.

Suffering from emotional trauma after a dog bite? Each Zirkin & Schmerling Maryland Dog Bite Lawyer can help you seek the compensation you deserve. Contact us at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation.

Legal Options for Victims of Severe Dog Attacks

In cases of severe animal dog attacks, victims may have additional legal options beyond the typical personal injury claim. Severe animal attacks often can lead to significant injuries, including disfigurement, permanent scars, or even wrongful death.

When the injuries are this serious, and the facts of the case permit, the State may pursue criminal charges against the dog’s owner, if there is evidence that the dog owner violated a criminal statute of the State of Maryland. These instances are rare.

There is also likely to be a Hearing before the local Animal Control Board, where action may be taken against the dog owner to ensure that his/her dog does not attack again. A Board may, for example, order that a muzzle be worn in public or that the dog goes through special behavioral training.

Victims of severe attacks can file a civil personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, future medical expenses, and other damages.

Pursuing these options requires a thorough understanding of Maryland’s legal system and the ability to gather and present compelling evidence. Dog bites lawyers with experience in severe dog attack cases can help you explore all the avenues available to you, ensuring that you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Victim of a severe dog attack? Zirkin & Schmerling can help you explore all your legal options. Contact us at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation.

Comparative Negligence in Dog Bite Cases

Maryland animal/dog laws follow the doctrine of contributory negligence, which can significantly affect the outcome of dog bite claims. Under this doctrine, if the victim is found to be even slightly at fault for the dog-caused incident, they may be barred from recovering any damages.

This makes it crucial to understand the concept of comparative negligence and how it can impact your case. An experienced Maryland dog bite attorney can help build a case that minimizes any potential claims of contributory negligence, maximizing your chances of securing compensation.

Worried that your actions might affect your dog bite claim? Zirkin & Schmerling can help clarify your situation. Contact us at 410-753-4611 for a free case evaluation.

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Your Dog Bite Lawsuit

Expert witnesses in dog bite cases can provide specialized knowledge that helps clarify complex issues and support the claims your trial attorney makes.

For instance, a medical expert can testify about the extent of your injuries, the required medical treatment, and the long-term impact on your health.  And an expert that specializes in animal behavioral issues may be of assistance in particular cases.

bowie maryland dog bite lawyer

Zirkin & Schmerling | Bowie, Maryland Dog Bite Lawyers

In addition to animal bite cases, each founding partner and dog bite personal injury attorney at Zirkin & Schmerling are experienced in handling a wide range of personal injury claims, including:

No matter the type of injury you’ve suffered in car accidents or animal/dog bites, our team of personal injury attorneys is here to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Our law offices are dedicated to helping our clients get the compensation they deserve.

Call Zirkin & Schmerling Law Firm to get in touch with a Maryland Dog Bite Lawyer at 410-753-4611.