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When am I Going to Get My Money from a Maryland Car Accident Settlement?

Usually within a couple of days or weeks aquestion naturally arises. When will I have my money? We understand why this is such a pressing question. Your medical bills are piling up and you’re facing other costs too, like car repairs and lost days of work. You’re ready to get it all sorted out and […]

What is My Maryland Auto Accident Case Worth?

After being injured in an auto accident your immediate focus is on getting better and trying to heal from your injuries. That is, until the bills start rolling in. Suddenly you have the worries of medical costs dragging you down, plus the hassle of auto repairs and everything else. Now you can’t help but wonder […]

Paraplegia vs Quadriplegia May Result From Car Crash-Related Injuries

Imagine suffering such a catastrophic injury in a car accident that you lose the use of your legs or being paralyzed from the neck down. Nearly 1 in 50 people are living with the daily effects of paralysis and of those, spinal cord injury is the second-most-common cause. At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, we have […]