dog bite Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Zirkin and Schmerling Law

How Do I Pay My Car Accident Medical Bills While My Personal Injury Case Is Pending?

Right now, thousands of Americans are waiting as their personal injury cases move through the legal system. Although an experienced personal injury attorney can help speed things along and prevent unnecessary delays, there’s often a bit of a wait. It takes time to put a case together and work with the court’s schedule regarding a […]

USPS Releases Dog Bite Numbers With Baltimore in Top 11

Baltimore had 29 dog attacks on postal workers in 2019, putting our city at number 11 on the U.S. Postal Service’s newest list of dog attack rankings. In total, 5,803 USPS employees were attacked by dogs that year, which is actually slightly lower than the previous two years. While dog attacks on USPS workers are […]

Can You Get COVID-19 From a Dog Bite?

Worldwide concern about animals infecting humans with COVID-19 grew in March 2020 after Hong Kong officials quarantined a dog that tested positive. Soon afterward, a tiger at a U.S. zoo also had a positive COVID-19 test. Since then, there have been conflicting news reports about whether animals can truly transmit the virus to humans. Is […]

Who is Responsible for a Dog Bite in Maryland?

Man’s best friend doesn’t always act so friendly. Sometimes a beloved family pet does something unexpected and attacks a neighbor, grandparent, colleague, pizza delivery driver, or even a child who’s played with the dog countless times.  But with a dog bite, the chances are that the owner of the dog that has attacked you or […]

How To Choose The Best Dog Bite Attorney In Maryland

Every year, there are more than 9,500 hospitalizations and 1,000 intensive care unit visits due to dog bites. Because these injuries can be severe, hospitalizations tend to be longer and up to 2.5 times more expensive than the average visit.  The average cost of hospital treatment for a dog bite case is approximately $18,000!  That […]

Recent Pitbull Attack Incidents Revive Dangerous Dog Breed Controversy

Certain breeds of dogs can cause severe damage when they attack. A detailed research study of a 14-year period between 2005 and 2018 reveals 76% of death-causing dog bites come from pitbull attacks and rottweilers. These two breeds, originally bred for dog fighting, have jaws that tend to lock down on a person and do […]

Is a Dog Sitter Liable If the Dog Bites Someone While in Their Care?

Pet Sitter Liability If A Dog Bite’s Someone or The Dog Sitter is Attacked? Imagine taking a stroll around your Baltimore neighborhood. A dog that’s also on a walk breaks away from the dog walker’s grip, then attacks you and causes you harm. Is the dog walker liable for damages due to your injuries or […]

September One Of The Worst Months For Dog Bite Claims

The dog days of summer are the worst time for dog bites in Maryland. At Zirkin & Schmerling, we’ve noticed September is one of the worst months for dog bites in our state. It’s not just a summer statistic, either. In 2018, 3,280 dog bite injury claims were settled by just one insurance company alone. […]