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Uber & Lyft Liability in a Car Accident

About 36% of all U.S. residents now use rideshare services, mostly Uber and Lyft. Ridesharing has created a massive change in our country’s transportation network, with about 2 million rideshare drivers and 65 million active customers on our roads. Driving around, you wouldn’t notice all of these rideshare vehicles at first glance. They’re regular passenger […]

Dangerous Maryland Roads and Intersections With Higher Than Average Pedestrian-Car Accidents

Fail to stop for a pedestrian and you could get a $1,000 fine under the new pedestrian safety law now in effect in Maryland. The penalty has risen from $500 to $1,000 and lawmakers hope the hefty fine will make people think twice before putting pedestrians in danger. Under SB460, the Pedestrian Safety Bill, all […]

Surprising Stuff About Vehicle Safety That Can Save Lives

You are out driving on the streets of Baltimore with your children in the car. Without warning, you’re struck by another vehicle. If you’re fortunate, it’s just an inconvenience. If you’re not, well, you can imagine the rest. We all want to avoid such a possibly devastating, life-threatening and potentially expensive event like an accident […]

Fatalities on the Rise For Car Accidents In Maryland

Maryland has experienced a recent rash of deadly auto accidents. Crashes with fatalities leave surviving family members wondering about liability, medical expenses and the future. Zirkin & Schmerling can help determine who is responsible for your loss and file suit for damages. Call 410-753-4611 today.