Coping With Car Accident Face Injuries | Zirkin & Schmerling Law

Coping With Car Accident Face Injuries

car accident face injuries

At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, we understand that while common car accident injuries like whiplash, back pain, and orthopedic issues often dominate discussions, facial injuries in car accidents are unfortunately common, and can be devastating. 

facial injuries

Facial injuries in accidents may cause longer-term damage and challenges. 

A facial injury suffered in a car accident can be permanently disfiguring and profoundly impact the emotional well-being of the victim. If you have been injured in a car crash, it is crucial that you reach out to a dedicated accident attorney in Baltimore for personalized support. 

You may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs and the pain and suffering caused by a facial injury.

Let’s explore the most common types of facial injuries and guide you through the process of filing a claim if you are injured.

Common Face Injuries from a Car Accident

Several types of facial injuries frequently occur during car accidents. The severity of facial injuries can vary greatly depending on the nature of the car accident itself. 

As your local Maryland advocates for civil justice, we want you to be informed about these injuries:

broken bones

1. Bone Fractures: Common areas prone to breaks include the nose, upper and lower jaw, cheekbones, and eye sockets. Facial fractures can take considerable time to heal, and in some cases, may not heal correctly, leading to disfiguration and persistent pain.

2. Burns: Burns to the face may require skin grafts to heal properly, which can result in facial scarring. We understand the physical and emotional toll such injuries can take.

3. Eye Injuries: These can include fractures of the eye socket, punctures of the eyeball, and abrasions from flying debris. Your vision is precious, and we take such injuries very seriously.

4. Broken or Loosened Teeth: When a face impacts a hard part of the car, or an airbag deploys against the face, you may be more likely to break or lose a tooth. Even a loose tooth that is not broken or lost should be assessed by a dental professional to prevent further complications.

5. Soft Tissue Injuries: Injuries to soft tissue can include cuts and bruises to the face. These injuries may require stitches and can result in scarring or other disfiguration.

6.  Facial Scars  Facial scarring can occur in multiple ways in a car accident.  It is critical to seek medical attention as early as possible if you have suffered a facial scar to try and avoid permanent scarring if possible.

These types of injuries can occur in any kind of accident and usually happen as the result of shattered glass and other flying debris, contact with a hard surface in the car, or contact with an ejected airbag. Injuries to the nose tend to be one of the more common injuries to the face, as it is one of the more prominent features.

Facial injuries may also occur if you are thrown from the vehicle during the impact. These injuries are frequently very complex and require extensive treatment to heal. At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, we are committed to helping you secure the comprehensive care you need, and obtaining maximum recovery for your facial injuries.

The Path to Recovery: Treating Facial Injuries

face injury car crash

Treating facial injuries typically involves ensuring that the patient’s airway has not been compromised and that their breathing is normal. Once this has been assessed, treatment may also involve sutures, application of bandages, setting of any fractures, as well as diagnostics. Diagnosis of facial injuries may require X-rays, MRIs or other types of imaging, bloodwork, and cardio assessment.

Remember, if you have been injured, you should allow a medical professional to thoroughly assess and treat your injuries. The sooner this is done, the less likely you are to suffer permanent damage. Your well-being is our top priority, and we strongly encourage seeking prompt medical attention.

Compensation for Facial Injuries: What You Need to Know

The type of compensation you can receive for facial injuries depends greatly on the nature of your injury. Generally, you may be eligible to have all of your medical costs covered, including your initial treatment and subsequent surgeries or other treatments you will need in the future. Treatments covered under compensation may, in some cases, also include counseling or mental health treatment for post-traumatic stress after the events of the injury.

If treatment prevents you from working, you may also be able to receive damages for your lost wages. Our dedicated team at Zirkin & Schmerling Law will work tirelessly to ensure you receive fair compensation for all aspects of your loss.

If you experienced significant pain from your injury, or if you have been permanently disfigured, your accident attorney may pursue additional damages as compensation for the physical and emotional anguish you have experienced. This compensation may include payment from insurance companies, and, in some cases, may also involve compensation from the driver (or drivers) who caused your accident and injuries.

What Should You Do If You Have Car Crash Face Injuries?

If you have suffered face injuries from motorcycle accidents or car accidents, there are some important steps you should take to file a claim. Remember, your first step should always involve being assessed by a medical professional, no matter the extent of your injuries, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

Follow these steps:

1. Document the scene: Following the accident, if you can, take photographs and gather evidence. This includes photos of damage to your vehicle, the scene of the accident itself, and photographs of your injuries.

2. Seek medical assessment: Be evaluated by a medical professional. Ask for documentation of the assessment, including copies of X-rays or other imaging that needs to be taken.

3. Record your recollections: Write down as much of the accident as you can remember, including any witnesses that you are aware of and the approximate time and location of the accident.

4. Report to authorities: Report the accident to police, if they were not called. Police reports are often used to help support claims against both insurance and civil cases.

5. Contact a car accident attorney: They can help support you throughout your claim (or case), talk to insurance companies on your behalf, gather evidence, and argue your case in court if needed.

Filing a Claim: Let Us Be Your Advocates

We encourage you to contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your crash to explore your options. Your lawyer will consider the details of your accident and determine which type of compensation to pursue. Before and after you file a claim, avoid talking to any insurance companies or discussing the accident, as this could compromise your case.

At Zirkin & Schmerling Law, we are proud to support you and to fight for the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers have years of experience in representing victims of car crash face injuries throughout the state of Maryland. We understand the local legal landscape and are deeply committed to serving our community.

Remember, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. 

For a free consultation about your case, reach out to us today at 410-753-4611. Let us be your dedicated local Maryland advocates for justice, working tirelessly to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones.