Does your neck or back hurt after getting into a car accident? Do your muscles ache? Or, do you relive the accident regularly and have difficulties sleeping or getting behind the wheel again? Have you missed work due to the car accident? Or, have you started calling a chiropractor, physical therapist, or a massage therapist for an appointment?
If you have done any of the above things, you may have a case for a car accident injury claim. Medical expenses can add up quickly. You should not have to worry about how you will pay for your medical bills. After a traumatic incident it is important that you focus on how to get yourself better physically and emotionally. File a car accident injury claim with the help of a car accident attorney at Zirkin and Schmerling Law, so we can make sure that you get the treatment needed and the compensation you deserve.
To qualify for a claim, your situation must fulfill three requirements. Our attorneys can help you figure out whether you have a valid claim. This can be answered by the following three questions.
#1. Did You Sustain a Personal Injury?
The first thing you need to determine is whether you have suffered any sort of personal injury. A personal injury doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical injury. It can be a mental or psychological injury as well.
Many people are under the misconception that they only have a car accident injury claim if they have a physical injury, like a concussion, broken bone, a whiplash injury or soft tissue issues. A car accident can be traumatizing depending on its severity. It’s completely possible to develop PTSD after an accident. If the PTSD is so bad that it affects your quality of living or prevents you from running errands, it’s considered a personal injury.
Having a personal injury isn’t enough. For a strong case, you will need evidence that can prove your injuries. The more evidence, the better. An auto accident lawyer at our firm can give you a better idea of the type of medical documentation you’ll need.
#2. Is Another Party At Fault?
After seeing your injuries, our attorneys will want to go over the details of your case with you. This is to determine whether another party is at fault.
Just because someone crashed into your car, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are at fault. The law will only hold the other party responsible if they breached a legal duty to behave in a certain way, and that breach caused the damages you have sustained.
For example, if the other driver ran a red light and collided into you, they breached a legal duty to drive safely. The collision could have been avoided. In addition, to being able to show negligence you will have to show that the negligence caused your injuries.
If you feel like you need some legal help, contact our Auto Accident Law attorney to schedule a free case evaluation today.
FREE CASE EVALUATION#3. Can You Be Compensated with Money?
To file a claim, you must have a monetary award in mind. This means that you must have sustained either a personal or financial harm that can be remedied with money.
Damages can be both economic and non-economic. Economic damages include medical bills and lost wages. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering and diminished quality of life. Some specific examples of calculable damages include:
- Medical bills incurred from treating the injuries or future medicals you will need to treat ongoing symptoms
- Lost wages from not being able to go to work or future lost wages
- Diminished quality of life
- Physical pain and emotional suffering caused by injuries
Get the Compensation You Deserve
Determining whether you have a case or not can be quite difficult. It is even more difficult to determine the value of your claim. To file a claim in Maryland ou need to know not only auto accident laws in Maryland, but also how to present your case. You will also need to be familiar with the legal process and all of the paperwork that goes with it. Whether you have a valid car accident injury claim and how much your claim is worth will depend on several factors.
Get help from car accident attorneys at Zirkin and Schmerling Law to build a strong case in your favor. Your attorney will take over all the negotiations with the other party and his or her insurance company to make sure that you are fairly compensated. Call our experienced auto accident attorneys at 410-753-4611 or contact us here as soon as possible for a free consultation.