Can You Seek Compensation for Car Accident Scars?

Can You Seek Compensation for Car Accident Scars?

car accident scars

After a car accident, victims may have many serious injuries that leave lasting damage. From smaller impacts like being scared to drive after auto accident events to life-changing medical injuries, victims are eligible to seek compensation for their mental and physical damages. 

One type of injury that can occur after a car accident is scarring or disfigurement to your face and body. In these cases, damages can go far beyond any physical injury. 

Permanent scars can lead to long-term emotional and mental distress. Learn about your rights for permanent scar compensation and how the law offices of Zirkin & Schmerling can help you reach the best outcome. We pride ourselves on our compassionate approach, ensuring that you feel supported throughout your legal journey.

Car Accident Injuries

Vehicle collisions involving multiple cars are, unfortunately, a common type of civil tort, or accident that leaves victims with physical and emotional damage. There are instances where a car makes contact with a victim who is traveling as a passenger in a vehicle that does not belong to them and is hurt in the accident. And some accidents occur when a vehicle injures innocent pedestrians.  All of these accidents can result in serious injury to the victim.

Injuries sustained from car accidents include:

In addition to these common injuries, there are psychological and emotional damages that can accompany the physical effects of the accident. In worst-case scenarios, fatal injuries can be sustained during a car accident. 

Scars from Car Accident Injuries

Injuries from car accidents range considerably in severity and type, but many of them have the potential to cause long-lasting or permanent disfiguration. 

If you were in a car accident, your doctor may inform you that you are likely to have permanent scars from your car accident injuries. 

These scars can be from a surgical intervention that was necessary to address another issue from the car accident or healing lacerations. Car accidents may involve injury from sharp pieces of glass and metal that can cut and scar victims, as well as more serious disfigurement. 

Recovery Options for Permanent Scars

If you have been scarred from a car accident, there are cosmetic options that can lessen the appearance of scars or provide more comfort as you recover.

A cosmetic surgeon might discuss procedures that can help minimize scarring, or you may be approved for treatments to speed up your recovery. You might also speak to a mental health counselor or psychologist to discuss the psychological injuries that resulted from your scarring. 

It’s important to track all of your expenses for your scars or disfigurements, including surgeon consultation fees and any medical costs that you incur. Your car accident lawyer may be able to recover compensation to cover these costs for you as part of your medical expenses. If your case goes to trial, the professionals you spoke to and the doctors who treated you may testify as expert witnesses regarding your injuries.

Compensation for Scars Caused in Auto Accidents

If you have been injured in a car accident and have permanent scarring, you can be eligible for financial compensation for your damages. 

There are a few different issues that can be included in your suit, including:

Permanent Scar Compensation

car accident scars

You may be entitled to compensation for the injuries that caused the permanent scars or disfigurements.

Permanent scar compensation includes the pain and suffering you went through in the course of obtaining the scars and any pain and suffering that you are likely to experience in the future due to these scars. 

Related Medical Bills

As mentioned above, any related medical bills can also be included in your compensation. These include hospital bills, specialist fees, therapy costs, and any expenses related to follow-up visits and ongoing treatment. 

Psychological Damages

emotional mental distress

Permanent scarring can lead to psychological damages beyond just pain and suffering.

Victims are often scared to drive after auto accident events where they receive scars or permanent disfigurement. They may also be dealing with emotional distress, depression, or general anxiety as a result of their accident or as a result of how they feel about their scarring. 

Property Compensation

If the victim of a car accident leading to permanent scarring had their property damaged in the accident, they may be entitled to compensation to cover those costs. That might include their vehicle, valuables, or lost income after staying in the hospital or recovering after the accident.

Pursuing Compensation for Scars from Car Accidents

Permanent scarring is a serious injury that can lead to many long-term emotional and physical issues. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident and, as a result, has permanent scarring or disfigurement, you should hold the responsible party at fault and seek compensation for your damages. A personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights and negotiate the best possible outcome, or take the matter to court if the wrongdoer’s insurance company is not offering a reasonable settlement in your matter. 

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney

Finding the right personal injury attorney goes a long way in helping you reach the best settlement for your permanent scarring damages. 

Here are some things to look for:

  • Experienced in permanent scarring cases: Your lawyer or law firm should have a proven track record with permanent scarring or disfigurement cases, so they know exactly how to argue in court to deliver the best results. 
  • Recommended by former clients: Your personal injury attorney should be recommended by previous clients who respected their approach and approved the outcome. 
  • Communicates effectively: There are time limits and statutes of limitations for filing claims based on permanent scarring. A good lawyer will ensure they communicate clearly with you to meet deadlines and get your compensation promptly. 
  • Have a clear settlement goal: Your lawyer should be able to look over your medical bills, and property loss costs while taking your pain and suffering or psychological impacts into consideration to work towards a specific compensation estimate.  And if that goal is not reached, your attorney must be prepared to fight for you in Court.

Contact Zirkin & Schmerling for a Free Consultation

If you are dealing with permanent scarring or disfigurement from a car accident, you deserve to have your case heard. At the law offices of Zirkin & Schmerling, we give you the representation you deserve. Your well-being is our top priority. 

We are here to provide comprehensive legal support to help you navigate through these challenging times. We specialize in helping victims of car accidents with permanent scars get compensated for their losses both physical and emotional. 

Contact us today at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation.