Josh Schmerling, Partner, Zirkin and Schmerling Law, Author at Zirkin and Schmerling Law - Page 4 of 28

How to Prove Negligence in a Maryland Truck Accident Case

Truck accidents can be hazardous. Trucks are usually heavier and generate more force when they impact smaller vehicles. The result can be catastrophic injuries or death. If you were involved in a Maryland truck accident and want compensation for losses, such as medical bills, property damage, or income loss, you first must know how to prove […]

Who Is At Fault in a T Bone Car Accident?

Any car accident is frightening and damaging, but T-bone accidents are among the most dangerous you can be involved in. Determining who is at fault in a T bone accident is crucial, as it dictates who is financially responsible and how much compensation you can receive for injuries. What Is a T-Bone Crash?  A T-bone, […]

Car Crash Checklist: What to Do When You Have a Car Crash

Knowing what to do and not do when you have a car accident is crucial. If you haven’t been in a car accident, study the information below so you’re prepared for the unfortunate situation. If you’ve just been in an accident, follow the steps in this car crash checklist to protect yourself if you need […]

U Turn Accident: Who’s at Fault?

Making a U-turn can be very convenient when you want to drive in the other direction. But this maneuver can be hazardous. And the first thing you want to know if you’ve been in a U-turn accident is who’s at fault.  Determining fault in any accident can be tricky, which is why you should seek […]

I Got Hit by a Car While Walking. What Should I Do?

Most people are aware of the potential dangers of driving a car. Accidents happen frequently throughout the US. Others might feel safer as a pedestrian, assuming that not being in a vehicle is a way to avoid accidents while on the road. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, […]

Motorcycle Hit Car From Behind: Who’s at Fault?

Getting hit by a motorcycle is surprising and scary for both drivers. The motorcyclist is at an especially high risk of severe injuries. Approximately 1,300 motorcycle accidents happen each year in Maryland and 75% involve severe injuries or death. Motorcycle accidents account for about 14% of all Maryland crash-related deaths. Are you wondering what to […]

How Many Hours Can a Trucker Legally Drive?

How many hours can a truck driver drive? We’d be hard-pressed to live our lives without truckers. They get products from one place to another, but doing so involves many long hours on the road for days in a row, up against deadlines set forth by their bosses and delivery destinations that can be challenging. […]

$132,322 Dog Bite Settlement Changes Maryland Dog Bite Law

Recently, a woman was awarded a sizable settlement by a jury after she was bit by an unrestrained German Shepherd. Bobby Zirkin of Zirkin & Schmerling Law fought on behalf of the victim and secured her a $132,322 settlement for her injuries, pain and suffering, and lost wages.  Although the victim initially won her civil […]

Car Accident Eye Injury Settlement

When thinking about car accident injuries, what comes to mind ranges from the less severe, like bruises and cuts, to more detrimental ones, like broken bones and traumatic brain injuries. Eye injuries may not be initially considered. But symptoms of this type of injury definitely shouldn’t be overlooked as they are common and can be […]

How Much Is My Dog Bite Lawsuit Worth?

If you have experienced a dog bite, you are not alone. Nearly 1 in 74 (or 4.5 million) people will be bitten by a dog each year. As the most common type of animal bite in the U.S., dog bites account for 95% of bites seen in U.S. emergency rooms. Approximately 300,000 people who experience […]