Josh Schmerling, Partner, Zirkin and Schmerling Law, Author at Zirkin and Schmerling Law - Page 25 of 28

Delivery Workers Need Extra Protection from Dog Attacks in Baltimore

An estimated 90 million dogs live in U.S. homes as part of the family and any one of them is capable of biting as protection. Mail carriers and other delivery workers are especially at risk. Zirkin & Schmerling lawyers are experts at winning favorable settlements for dog bite victims. Call 410-753-4611 today.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorcycle Coverage

All drivers by law must have insurance on their vehicles and motorcycles in Maryland and throughout the United States. Despite the law, many individuals are either uninsured or underinsured. As a motorcyclist, it is important for you to carry uninsured/underinsured motorcycle coverage to protect yourself from these types of drivers. There are several things you […]

Hit and Run Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents by default can lead to high-risk injuries because of how exposed a rider can find themselves in the event of a crash. For most accidents, each party will discuss the accident, exchange information, call the police if necessary, and contact their insurance companies. However, this is not always the case, and sometimes the […]

Do I Still Have a Case if There Is Minor Damage to My Motorcycle

Zirkin and Schmerling is a leader in Maryland in auto accident law and can help you obtain the money you deserve. Never assume you don’t have a case, no matter how minor the damage may seem. A minor accident can still result in significant long-term health problems for you. Building Your Case You can still […]

October New Laws for Maryland

When the General Assembly passes new legislation, the law will go into effect on either July 1 or October 1 of that year unless otherwise specified.  So just this week, a rash of new laws went into effect.  It is important to be familiar with new laws for as they say, “ignorance of the law […]

Baltimore Police Officer Found Drunk & Sleeping on Duty

The other day, it was national news that, according to reports in the Baltimore Sun and other new sources, an on-duty Baltimore City police officer was allegedly found intoxicated and slumped over behind the wheel of his marked patrol vehicle. The impression from media reports was that this officer was in a parked car. One […]

Do I Have A Case For My Car Accident Injury Claim?

Does your neck or back hurt after getting into a car accident? Do your muscles ache? Or, do you relive the accident regularly and have difficulties sleeping or getting behind the wheel again? Have you missed work due to the car accident? Or, have you started calling a chiropractor, physical therapist, or a massage therapist […]

Protective Orders In Maryland

Domestic violence and false allegations of domestic violence can destroy lives, relationships, families, and communities. Thankfully, the state of Maryland has established multiple safeguards to fight abuse and protect victims. One of the most important of these safeguards is the protective order, which can vary in scope and specificity depending on your specific situation. At […]

Understanding Maryland Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Law

Effective July 1, 2018, car insurance companies must offer Maryland Enhanced Underinsured Motorist (EUIM) coverage for any auto insurance renewals or new purchases. This coverage replaces the Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage. If drivers elect to opt out of EUIM, the insurer must still offer them UIM coverage. Both of these extra coverages basically offer drivers […]